Curriculum Vitae

Caleb Cordes - WebsiteCV.pdf

Refereed Journal Articles


Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Samet, J., Mukherjee, S., Seitz, A.L., Slavens, B.A. Quantitative musculoskeletal imaging of the pediatric shoulder, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Published online ahead-of-print, May 7, 2024). DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002515 .

Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Samet J., Schnorenberg, A.J., England, M., Mukherjee, S., Vogel, L.C, Seitz, A.L., Slavens, B.A. Handrim kinetics and quantitative ultrasound parameters for assessment of subacromial impingement in wheelchair users with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury (Accepted, Awarded Best Paper: Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society).

Conference Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed)


Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Schnorenberg, A.J., Nguyen, A., Mukherjee, S., Slavens, B.A., Glenohumeral joint dynamics variability in manual wheelchair users with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Madison, Wisconsin, August 4-8, 2024 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).

Cordes, C.M.A., Schnorenberg, A.J., Leonardis, J.M., Nguyen, A., England, M., Samet, J., Mukherjee, S., Seitz, A.L., Slavens, B.A., Quantitative ultrasound findings and glenohumeral joint dynamics variability in pediatric and adult manual wheelchair users. International Shoulder Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 4-5, 2024 (paper and podium presentation; presenter: A.J. Schnorenberg).

Cordes, C.M.A., Siong, J., Van De Wege, M., Samet, J., Goodfriend, K, Zebracki, K., Mukherjee, S., Slavens, B.A., Rotator cuff tendon pathology is associated with satisfaction with life in pediatric and adult manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury and dysfunctions. Conference Proceedings of the American Spinal Injury Association Annual Scientific Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21-23, 2024 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: S. Mukherjee).


Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Schnorenberg, A.J., Mukherjee, S., Goodfriend, K., Seitz, A.L., Vogel, L.C., Slavens, B.A., Shoulder pain and variability of wheelchair handrim kinetics in spinal cord injury. Conference Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, Tennessee, August 8-11, 2023 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).


Cordes, C.M.A., Samet, J., Schnorenberg, A.J., Mukherjee, S., England, M., Goodfriend, K., Slavens, B.A., Relationships between variability in manual wheelchair handrim kinetics and shoulder pathology. Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Progress in Clinical Motor Control: Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 13-15, 2023 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).


Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Samet, J., Schnorenberg, A.J., England, M., Mukherjee, S., Vogel, L.C., Seitz, A.L., Slavens, B.A., Relationships between manual wheelchair handrim kinetics and shoulder quantitative ultrasound parameters. Conference Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, High Point, North Carolina, June 26-28, 2023 (paper and podium presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes). Awarded Best Podium.


Cordes, C.M.A, Leonardis, J.M., Schnorenberg, A.J., Slavens, B.A., Shoulder quantitative ultrasound parameters and manual wheelchair handrim kinetics in spinal cord injury. Presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2023 Partners for Health Research Symposium, May 5, 2023 (paper, poster presentation, and podium presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes). Awarded 1st Prize Podium Presentation.


Cordes, C.M.A., Hanks, M., Mukherjee, S., Schnorenberg, A.J., Slavens, B.A., Influence of spinal cord injury level on variability of wheelchair handrim kinetics. Conference Proceedings of the North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 21-25, 2022 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).


Cordes, C.MA., Leonardis, J.M., Schnorenberg, A.J., Slavens, B.A., Quantifying the influence of spinal cord injury lesion level on manual wheelchair handrim kinetics variability. Presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2022 Partners for Health Research Symposium, virtual, May 20, 2022 (paper and recorded presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).


Leonardis, J.M., Schwartz, S., Cordes, C.M.A., Zarenia, M., Koch, K., Slavens, B.A., Exploring the influence of scaphoid, lunate, and proximal radius shape on wrist motion. Conference Proceedings of the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, February 4-8, 2022 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).



Leonardis, J.M., Cordes, C.M.A., Seitz, A.L., Mukherjee, S., Slavens, B.A., Reliability of quantitative rotator cuff ultrasonography for manual wheelchair users with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Conference Proceedings of the Howard H. Steel Conference, Orland0, Florida, December 8-11, 2021 (paper and podium presentation; presenter: J.M. Leonardis).


Leonardis, J.M., Cordes, C.M.A., Schnorenberg, A.J., Mukherjee, S., Seitz, A.L., Slavens, B.A., Feasibility of quantitative shoulder ultrasonography in pediatric wheelchair users. Conference Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, virtual, August 10-13, 2021 (paper and poster presentation; presenter: J.M. Leonardis).


Cordes, C.M.A., Leonardis, J.M., Slavens, B.A., Using ultrasound to measure prevalence of shoulder injury in children with spinal cord injury. Presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2021 Partners for Health Research Symposium, virtual, May 7, 2021 (paper and recorded presentation; presenter: C.M.A. Cordes).

Book Chapters

Cordes, C.M.A., Johnson, D. (2018) Chapter 26: Renal and Urinary System Disorders, Acute Renal (Kidney) Failure, in International Medical Corps Training Manual. Robert R. Simon, M.D., and Henry H. Hood, M.D. (Eds.), International Medical Corps. Pgs. 716-732.